Every year, millions of people from around the world gather in Times Square, New York City, to celebrate the arrival of the new year. One of the most fun attractions through the month of December in Times Square is the New Year’s Eve Wishing Wall where visitors can write down wishes on small pieces of brightly colored paper, which are used as confetti that is dropped over Times Square when the clock strikes midnight to bring in the new year. It is one of my favorite holiday traditions when I always go to the annual New Year’s Eve Make a Wish in Times Square to write out a wish – or five – to be be dropped over Times Square.
The New Year’s Eve Make a Wish tradition is a great way to be part of the New Year’s Eve celebrations in Times Square, whether or not you plan to attend the actual celebrations on 31st December.
Location of the Make a Wish Confetti in Times Square
The Wishing Wall or Make a Wish confetti can be found on the Great White Way in Duffy Square from 1st – 29th December every year.

Colored papers and pens are provided, and a spot to drop as many wishes as you would like to write up.

Some of these wishes are pinned up on a board, making a colorful statement inviting people to step in and join the action.

Digital Wishing Wall
The Times Square Alliance offers a digital wishing all for anyone that wants to partake in the NYE celebrations in Times Square. All you have to do is share a wish on Twitter or Instagram with #ConfettiWish in it, and anything submitted through December 28 every year is included in the confetti that is released over the celebration. Anything submitted on or after December 29 is included in the following year’s celebration.
I know that New Yorkers like to avoid Times Square, but they are missing out on this very New York tradition that I love to partake in, year after year after year!