Noticing a Certain Resemblance

Bumping into Pedro Silva’s Art in Unexpected Places

As I wrote about in my post on Close Encounters of the Artistic Kind, I was walking down the street in May 2022 when I got pulled into an optical store for an amazingly unexpected encounter with Pedro Silva, an artist that I had not even heard of a few months ago, and whose art I have started bumping into while I am out and about in New York.

Pedro had done this drawing of my face in all of a couple of minutes, which of course I had to buy and I now have up in my apartment, needing Pedro to make another drawing of my face for his collection –

As is so happens, there is a Public Art exhibit called Jaguar Parade NYC 2022 that is going on these days, and I noticed one of the jaguars that was painted black and white looking familiar in some way. As it turns out, it was painted by Pedro! I have to confess that I am following him on Instagram, so am starting to get familiar with his painting style. I love how Pedro takes black and white and makes everything he paints come alive.

His jaguar is titled I Love Myself, and if you look carefully at the jaguar’s tail, it looks like a part of the design, but actually spells out Pedro Silva Art –

Can’t wait to bump into his next piece of art on the streets of New York, just like other street art around New York.


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Hi, I'm Hanit Gyani, a full time professional by day and a blogger by night and weekend. Welcome to my blog, aka my passion project, Gotta Love New York.

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