Holiday Lights at Hudson Yards
New York is well known for its holiday decorations, and Fifth Avenue is a must visit for anyone visiting New York. In recent years, Holiday lights in Hudson Yards have become a spectacular sight to behold and are now a beloved tradition for New Yorkers and tourists alike. The Holiday Lights at Hudson Yards are even more spectacular when it rains with the reflection of their two million light holiday display.
The Vessel looked especially spectacular from every angle in the rain.

It is always thankfully dry inside Hudson Yards, where their hot air balloon makes for an eyecatching display next to the Christmas trees suspended in mid air, and is a very Instagrammable photo op given the many pictures and selfies that are taken with this backdrop.

Every area of Hudson Yards including all the levels and escalators are covered in golden lights in surprisingly straight lines that never seem to criss cross even by mistake, and it almost feels like there have to be more than 2 million lights illuminating it.

The Vessel is one of my favorite things to photograph at Hudson Yards, holiday lights notwithstanding. The picture with the blue light is a reflection of section right in the middle in the floor that has a blue light that shines brightly every night, and the other is a view from the outside reflecting the holiday lights below. And yes, I realize I have many references to reflections in this post!

There is one corridor that has a space that usually has something art related in it, and I crossed this fabulous piece titled “The City” by Miguel Estrada which exhibits “NYC’s vibrant, colorful energy and underlaying community of Love”. The artist bio explains that he is influenced by graffiti artists he admired while growing up in the Bronx. It is a great interpretation of the City that I am endlessly fascinated by. The last installation I saw in this space was Lady Gaga’s floral mannequin a few months ago.

Hudson Yards also has an interactive display called Winterscape. The entrance was through this white booth below, and there’s a video of all I got to see inside.
