Rehearsals for the 2022 Rockefeller Center Tree Lighting
I made my way past Saks Fifth Avenue this evening as I wanted to catch their light show for the holidays, and much to my surprise the facade was just lit up with no light show in sight. Disappointed, I started making my way back home, only to chance upon rehearsals for the lighting of the Rockefeller Center Tree on 30th November. I am surprised I was surprised by this, I can’t believe I didn’t ever think that productions as big as the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and the Rockefeller Tree Lighting would need rehearsals before.

It was actually really nice to be up close to all the very recognizable decorations and design elements that we see on TV, such as the ones below –

There was quite a crowd around the front of the tree, so I looped my way around the block to see if I could get closer from the side. You can see the difference in the front vs the side here, though there was a very slim window of visibility between the various barricades –

Best decision ever! I slowly inched my way to the front, and managed to catch Alicia Keys and Brett Eldredge perform live! Each song was performed at least two times, some three, with long gaps in between, which made me wish I had gone with a friend for some company. Regardless, I loved the experience. I am sharing some of the highlights below.
Alicia Keys was up first, it is always a treat to see her perform live.

The first song I saw performed was Alicia Keys singing Santa Baby –
And here she is wtih December Back 2 June –
The fans started singing Empire State of Mind at one of the breaks, and Alicia promised to sing it if the audience was enthusiastic, which they were, so she delivered as promised –
Next up was Brett Eldredge, who I have not seen live before, and he was still singing when I finally left after 3 songs, which to be fair meant seeing them performed 6 times. And it was freezing!

The production team was hard at work everywhere you turned, and the lyrics were being shown at the area where the announcers would stand –

I loved the giant snowflakes being projected on all the buildings at Rockefeller Plaza –

I already know what I am doing on the day before the Rockefeller Tree lighting next year for sure, though this time I will plan to get dinner before getting there! Talk about planning ahead!!